New pages are not automatically added to your menu(s), so you will need to manually add it when you are ready.
To navigate to the place where you can edit your menu, click on “Menus” in the “Appearance” menu in the left-hand navigation.
Here you will see two different columns:
In order to add your page to the menu, first select the page from the pages section (should be at the top of the “Most Recent” tab) and then click “Add to Menu”.
When you add a new page it will automatically appear as a menu item all the way at the bottom of the menu, and so you will need to drag it to its appropriate location. Simply hover your mouse over the menu item and drag it where you want it to be.
NOTE: You can rearrange existing menu items in the same manner.
you like you can edit the text that will be displayed for the menu item
by clicking the arrow on the right-hand side of the item and editing
the “Navigation Label” field.
When you are finished updating your item, click the “Save Menu” button at the very top or very bottom of the page.