The process for creating a blog posts follows a very similar structure to that of creating any other piece of content.
You can begin by clicking on “Posts > Add New” on the left hand menu:
Once you have created a new blank blog post, you will need to fill in and set the necessary fields:
Title: Your post's title.
Content: The content of your post.
Excerpt: This will be shown wherever the post is displayed in a "feed" (e.g. your homepage, your blog index, etc.).
Categories: The categories you would like to associate with your post.
Featured Image: It is often important to the design of the site that all blog posts have a featured image. This will be displayed in the blog feed on the home page, on the blog landing page, and at the top of the post itself.
The "Publish" box is where you can preview the post, save a draft or publish the post. If you like, you can schedule the post to be published in the future by clicking the “Edit” button beside “Publish Immediately: